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facilityboss Enters Beta Testing with Its First App

A Glimpse into the Future of Serial Number Capturing

We are excited to announce that facilityboss is entering the beta phase of its very first app! Our Research & Development department has been working diligently, and we are now ready to share a first glimpse of this innovative solution. We are looking for a limited number of beta testers to help us refine the app and tailor it to the needs of our users.

facilitybossMLC - central rework made easy

facilityboss presents the possibility to run manual rework in parallel with automated production using the level 2 product facilitybossMLC. This helps companies to maintain a continuous production process without affecting the schedule of productions.

facilitybossPLS – PrintCapture-Mode

facilitybossPLS PrintCapture-Mode allows you to perform print control and capture of externally pre-printed serial numbers in one step.

facilitybossLSS - The central solution for your order and production management

facilitybossLSS (Line Site Server) concentrates your complex order and production managements into one central spot, enables efficient control and provides a quick overview of your entire production landscape.

Testing and qualifying without downtime using facilitybossVRT

facilitybossVRT (Virtual) allows you to produce without actually producing... How so?

This initially misleading phrasing becomes easily understandable in the right context, because testing and qualifying requires time, material and other resources. facilitybossVRT, on the other hand, enables you to generate production data using a virtual production process without using real products or machines.