facilityboss GmbH was established in 2007 as a start-up of the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT) in Darmstadt and with 4 shareholders. Originally, the founders specialized in the development of a room reservation software, as the name of the company suggests. However, after a number of successful installations and a lot of positive feedback, the partners had different ideas about the further development of the software and the company's strategic orientation in the market. Through persistent work and with a clear goal in mind of today's owner and CEO Max Larsson, facilityboss GmbH has developed into a fully independent company over the last 10 years. Today, facilityboss GmbH is 100% self-financed and thus has no venture capital.
Our focus since 2010 has been entirely on the continuous development of software for machines and productions. Since then, the room reservation software has no longer been actively developed further, but only maintained for existing customers. Core competencies on "Level 1" (machine control incl. PLC, printer and camera integration) had already been built up by the team at this time. The solidly developed basis and the experience gained directly from the productions of well-known companies still pays off today and is noticeable in the level-spanning products for "Level 2" (cross-machine line control) to "Level 3/4" (serial number and order management).
Our goal is to build long-term and enduring business relationships with customers, equipment manufacturers and mechanical engineering partners. We are therefore particularly proud of the steadily increasing number of successful partnerships and installations with satisfied customers worldwide. Also the constantly growing team allows us to look confidently into the future.